Hayman Fire burn scar 2015 with Cheesman Reservoir in distance

The General Partnership

The USPP is a collaborative partnership of natural resources entities and their personnel. There is no single fiscal agent representing all of USPP. Participating entities contribute to the collaborative efforts in the capacity that works for them – technical expertise, personnel time, financial or other resources that are appropriate to share or leverage cross-boundaries. 

USPP’s “General Partners” (GP) refers to all the professionals involved at some formal level within the USPP.  Collectively, the GP has shared interests in the Upper South Platte River watershed landscape in the mountains and foothills west/southwest of Denver, or the larger overlapping region. They participate in forums to discuss lessons learned, engage in problem-solving, are involved with research, and/or support the greater efforts across the region. Such efforts include, but are not limited to planning projects, monitoring for results, reporting on outcomes, developing adaptive management recommendations, remove barriers to achieving collective goals, and provide resources to implement projects, programs, coordinated efforts, and more. 

USPP hosts regular GP events throughout the year. These events typically have a broad topic base and include collaborative meetings, site visits, and science jam sessions for information sharing and strengthening collaborative relationships. Through these activities, participants discuss relevant scientific research, project developments, updates in best practices and emerging topics relevant to the landscape, project planning, implementation, and opportunities. These are important elements of an adaptive management framework. 

Meyer Ranch Field Trip

Management and Science Team (MST)

The USPP Management and Science Team (MST) is the project development, management, and monitoring arm of the USPP. The Management and Science Team focuses on forest health projects along with pre-fire forest management and wildfire risk mitigation efforts.

 The purpose of the MST is to:

  • Collaboratively develop projects that increase effectiveness at larger scale
  • Increase project connectivity by creating a shared understanding of where participants are working
  • Work together to seek funding or remove barriers for collaborative projects and priorities
  • Collectively tackle issues related to mechanical treatments and biomass utilization for specific projects
  • Address prescribed fire challenges related to specific projects
  • Work with the Watershed Coordinator to track proposed and ongoing projects to help participants prepare for future opportunities
  • Share and report on accomplishments to be rolled up into an annual landscape-level reports 
  • Serve as a technical review team of participant applications for USPP-designated funding
USPP collaboration meeting with map on a table

Engagement, Communication, and Outreach Team (ECO)

The USPP Engagement, Communication, and Outreach (ECO) Team is the communications and messaging arm of the USPP.

The ECO Team focuses on developing and identifying collaborative outreach and messaging that illustrate the story and values of the USPP and the landscape. It focuses on topics related to communities, forestry, wildfire awareness, forest health, source-water protection, watershed health, wildfire preparedness, and, when possible, strategically addresses co-benefits, like wildlife and recreation, to convey the interconnectedness of these focus areas.

Active participants of the Engagement, Communication and Outreach Team commit to: 

  • Support USPP’s effort to network, deepen connections, and enhance partner contributions for  engagement, communication, and outreach by fostering new ideas, tools, and opportunities
  • Develop, identify, and amplify consistent and unified messaging and outreach mechanisms to increase public awareness, education, and understanding
  • Work to illustrate the connection between forest health and fire-adapted communities effectively to minimize wildfire risk and empower landowner responsibility
  • Be mindful of perceptions, community culture and history, and address common concerns using science-based information in a manner appropriate to the audience.
Jerome Miller - Miller Gulch

Goals, Strategies, and Funding Team (GSFT)

The Goals, Strategies, and Funding Team (GSFT) is a steering committee of the USPP.  Entities selected to be a part of the GSFT are committed to:

  • Track national and regional efforts as they relate to the work and interests of the USPP
  • Develop strategies for the USPP to create landscape-scale impact across the whole watershed
  • Share and support funding opportunities with the MST
  • Select topics for General Partnership meetings
  • Work with the Watershed Coordinator to determine priorities and to communicate opportunities and assist with finding solutions to landscape-scale challenges

Watershed Coordinator

The USPP Watershed Coordinator is a hired position tasked to work closely with all aspects of the USPP including GP, MST, ECO Team, GSFT, special task groups, facilitators, and other stakeholders to support the following activities of the USPP:

  • Collaborative Watershed Planning and Action – Coordinate watershed-level, collaborative, strategic planning with partners to increase the pace and scale of landscape-scale, coordinated forest and watershed treatments for public and private lands.
  • Resource and Accomplishment Analysis – Identify resource needs, support USPP’s tracking and reporting of accomplishments, and assist with resolving capacity gaps for implementation of USPP strategic projects by considering existing and new sources of resources.
  • Integrated Communications, Outreach and Engagement – Create, refine, and support a consistent, cohesive, and centralized engagement and outreach program for existing and new partners and other stakeholders to elevate and expand USPP’s programs at the local, state, and national levels.
  • Strategic Partnerships Development – Identify and coordinate opportunities for expanded participation and engagement from existing USPP partners and other stakeholders to provide resources, support, and funding that implements USPP strategic projects and programs.


The USPP uses a professional team of facilitators from Peak Facilitation Group. Peak Facilitation is an independent third-party neutral entity. The roles and responsibilities of the facilitation team are to:

  • Be neutral to the substantive discussions and decisions among partners and stakeholders
  • Find venues for USPP meetings and develop agendas for USPP meetings based on the direction from the decision-making groups and the needs of a larger stakeholders
  • Work with USPP Watershed Coordinator, USPP partners, guest presenters, and other stakeholders to prepare meeting materials, presentations, and other information necessary to the success of each meeting
  • Facilitate regular USPP meetings of the GSFT, MST, ECO Teams, the General Partnership, and occasional focus work group meetings as needed 
  • Ensure that all voices and perspectives in the room have the opportunity to be heard
  • Documented meeting discussions and decisions made by active participants
  • Ensure that all meetings achieve stated meeting objectives, including identifying any necessary next steps, deliverables, and the responsible parties for such follow ups. 
  • Complete meeting summaries and distribute meeting notes to the meeting participants